
Fabulous Mess and Beyond - Camila Damásio

Fabulous Mess and Beyond


I am an American mother trapped in Australia karmically by way of a soul who is temporarily lost in darkness, father of our darling daughter (now in primary school), a man who plotted a challenging international divorce and custody process. The gift of this has been that it brought me here, to you.


I am a licensed practitioner (USA) in the area of Complimentary Medicine with a master’s degree in my field (sadly, qualifications which are not accepted in Australia without great expense, time, and incredible effort).


I am a woman striving to become stronger. I am a woman who will not give up and go away.


I am a girl sometimes lost, and sometimes inspired. I am a girl still trusting and curious. I am a girl both fearfully trembling in failure and blossoming delightfully in success.


I am a daughter of God, doing my best to learn how to love myself and others better.


I am a soul learning the hard way about the need to forgive and bloom in the freedom that comes from letting go.


I am also a Christian Spiritist, which helped me to survive the experience of going through what I have. I believe that it is my spiritual understanding of life that has helped me survive thus far. I believe that it is my belief in the grand design that has brought me to a place of trying to use my karmic experiences here in Australia to become amazing and make a new life.


No Offense Meant


I do not mean to offend my friends in Australia, those I know personally, and any who might find this blog. It may offend some of the egos in Australia, but the things I refer to occasionally here, in this blog, have been my experience. People may not be able to understand some of this experience unless they have been through something similar themselves. For example, being of relatively gentle nature, coupled with being emotionally, materially, and legally abused by the other parent of one’s child in a foreign land. I have come to some rather strong opinions concerning what actually happened here, underneath the official “story.”

It was not planned that we were meant to wind up here, and others may also identify with finding themselves trapped in another country and it’s way of thinking.

Granted I did ignore enough of the warning signs that got me into this mess, but it is still a mess in a world that hasn’t found social balance yet, and maybe my words will help others avoid some of the problems I got myself into. Maybe my words might even make some small contribution to fixing some of these problems and creating a balance that we are all ultimately destined to have here on the planet.




I had no idea, when I got a mild form of a nervous system disorder (a couple years before my, then future, Ex came from Australia to charm me in the States), that life could become more challenging and confronting than it already had. It did though, and I must now live with it.

However, I am determined to continue connecting to the thoughts and truths that I have found in this life.


I am determined to take those thoughts and expand on them, hopefully becoming all that I am meant to be with the rest of what God has given me to work with.


I am determined to ride it out and hopefully graduate into the strength that is promised in not being killed by my tribulations.


I am determined to multiply the days that I am able to see these trials as something beautiful until the day when I no longer sorrow over them at all. Ultimately, I believe I will come to rejoice in what these tests have done for me, and hopefully, my daughter too.


And, I am determined to share these concepts with others, finding my voice. I hope to inspire others, through my words or example, to overcome any trial and reach for their true potential.

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